WEB.CIM is GDB d.o.o.’s own Common Information Model (CIM) based Integration Platform for electric utilities, enhancing electric energy distribution efficiency, communication and control.
WEB.CIM Integration Platform is designed in accordance to CIM (Common Information Model) standard and is built according to IEC TC57 reference architecture. Because its data model is based entirely on the CIM standard, WEB.CIM Integrated Platform can fully support any business and technical model, while providing real time information exchange between different IT systems used in electric utilities and Smart Grids in general.
WEB.CIM Integration Platform supports integration of any IT system used in electric utilities and Smart Grids in general. It can transform electric utility’s IT solutions from many isolated vertical systems into a Smart Grid ready horizontal interconnected open and standardized IT system, which is ready to collaborate and exchange real time information with applications from any vendor. For example, the following systems can be integrated: